It feels inherently wrong…

… to be in a meeting in Auckland at 9am and be back in the office in Hawkes Bay mid afternoon. Yet that’s how todays been. 7am flight to Auckland. Cab into centre city, making it just in time for the 9am meeting. Quick coffee after the meeting then cab back to the airport and…

Thursday, 10pm.

10pm. 527548 events logged by Snort since 7pm last night (the last database purge). The vast majority of those was during office hours today; not surprising given the general peak traffic time on the network. Snorby is holding up well although ruby seems to consume a lot of resources, and I managed to crash the…

Inane halarity…

The other day I was going through some old files looking for something and came across a s**tload of pics and stuff that I’d collected over the years and used to be on one of my old websites. So, instead of uploading things in gallery fashion as they were I thought I’d post a few…