05/11/2008 – Day 6

Ok, so last Thursday (30/10/2008) I got my tattoo done. 6 days down and it’s healing quite well I think. It scabbed up a bit and most of it has had it’s peel, so now we’re starting to see the real result. I’m quite happy with it, although I can’t say it’s looking PERFECT. The…


In a previous post (here) I worked with a photo of me and did some colour correction. Now I’ve done some more work. We’ll call this one Version 3. Version 2 (From Previous Post): Version 3 : This time I’ve done a few things… Firstly I did some cropping and a little more colour correction…

Colour Correction

So I’ve been doing some stuff with retouching and colour correction of photos lately, and predominantly in the area of portraits, getting skin colour correct. As a result, I thought I’d put up a before and after of one of the basic pics I have done some really simple correction on. This photos was taken…


Space Bar – 27/07/2008 Originally uploaded by hoppers99 Auckland rocks! Thursday afternoon off work, getting ready for road trip and potentially epic weekend in Auckland. Friday morning last minute packing then off to pick up my mate, then hit the road for 6+ hours in the car. Made it to where we were staying around…