Friends Forever

The one in which we think about friends.

Friends are awesome. Have you ever thought about those who were friends but, for better or worse, aren’t so much anymore? With headphones on and matchsticks propping open my eyelids, I did a little brain dump of some stuff in my head on the topic.

2012 is well underway…

So yet again I’ve shown a severe lack of motivation to update this thing for far too long… But after someone reading through a lot of the post history fairly recently I thought maybe it’s time to tidy a few things up and maybe even put some new (if thoroughly boring to most) content on…

Insurance Pains

We’ve all heard the insurance claim horror stories I’m sure. What seems simple and straightforward, turns into an absolute clusterf**k once the chips are down! Here’s my story so far; lets hope common sense prevails!

39 days to go…

So it’s now 39 days until I head for Aussie (all going to plan). So now I’m just doing a little setup so that if I get sufficiently motivated I can update the few of you who read this stuff on how the trips going. As well as the usual updates to base code and…