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10pm. 527548 events logged by Snort since 7pm last night (the last database purge). The vast majority of those was during office hours today; not surprising given the general peak traffic time on the network. Snorby is holding up well although ruby seems to consume a lot of resources, and I managed to crash the server by using the email a report function (it tried to run an SQL query that was over 4.8 MILLION characters long – 2 hours at max system resources and it finally tipped over). Other than that all is looking good.
Pretty shattered after staying up until after midnight toying with sensor rules, bed time soon. But thought I’d share some humour to help get you all through Friday.

A Short Story
And a little motivation…

Just remember…

So have a fun Friday one and all. Roll on caterday!!!

Time Portal to Caterday