It feels inherently wrong…

… to be in a meeting in Auckland at 9am and be back in the office in Hawkes Bay mid afternoon. Yet that’s how todays been.

7am flight to Auckland. Cab into centre city, making it just in time for the 9am meeting. Quick coffee after the meeting then cab back to the airport and back to Napier. Sitting back at my desk by 3.

But anyway, I know no one really cares about such things. My real reason for dusting off the old blog was to post a couple of friggen hilarious pic that I just found.


And another goodie…

Anger Management

Now, for all of you who have spent far too much time on the internet and delved into the world of chat rooms, have a laugh at OhMy!gle. It’s friggen gold!

Anyways, enough boredom for one night. Enjoy!

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