05/11/2008 – Day 6

Ok, so last Thursday (30/10/2008) I got my tattoo done. 6 days down and it’s healing quite well I think. It scabbed up a bit and most of it has had it’s peel, so now we’re starting to see the real result. I’m quite happy with it, although I can’t say it’s looking PERFECT. The…

Stolen from Nikki on bebo :D

Level 1 (x) Smoked A Cigarette ( ) Smoked A Cigar ( ) Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex (x) Drank Alcohol Level 2 (x)Are / Been In Love (x)been dumped (x) Shoplifted ( ) Been Fired (x) Been In A Fist Fight Level 3 (x) Had A Crush On An Older Person (x)…

Time for an update…

Originally posted on my bebo blog after being stolen from Rach P. Decided it’s time to do an updated version. [ONE] Who are your last three texts from? Well, last three all from Cazza but last 3 people were Cazza, Nikki and Mobile Banking lol [TWO] Where was your default pic taken? (ok, so this…

Delays and Politics…

To different topics, but both current. The politics bit is mainly because I got a laugh after I came across this old pic I’d been sent that I thought suited the current political climate and all the campaigning bollocks that’s going on at the moment. The delay is that it will be an extra two…


Well, it’s a beautiful Sunday here, nearing the end of September and just put the clocks forward an hour for daylight savings. It’s been a chilly winter but I’m sure that the impending muggyness will make me wish it was sub-zero again! Work has been busy as hell but I’m planning to make sure I…

And so it begins

And so the return to blogging begins. A little more advanced than my main site but I couldn’t be bothered building the functionality in yet. =P Eventually I’ll scrap wordpress and make my own, or just skin wordpress to match. Time will tell. So check back from time to time and I may just have…